The Baby Boomer Lifestyle - What Is It?
Are you one of the baby boomers who don't agree to follow the
traditional retirement path? Do you refuse to sleep late, or sit in a rocking
chair and listen music aimlessly as time goes by?
You see us in almost every neighbourhood. We are volunteering,
working part-time, or starting a new career. We are taking brisk morning walks
in Parks and inside Malls. We are flexing our muscles at the gym and shopping
at health food stores.
We do Yoga, and meditate daily, get regular massages. We are not old
people. We are Baby Boomer living a second
life. We have an eclectic choice of new lifestyles. We are using online radio
services to listen music that have our intensely interests in music.
Some of us are letting our grey hair show, and doing it with style.
We are growing old gracefully, in active harmony with this late
season of life. We would rather wear out than rust out.
What this unique group of people recognize is that their main limitation
in all these lifestyle choices. Money is not as much an obstacle. Much of what
they participate in is either free or at little cost. Some continue to work
because they need the money. For others it is to keep their brain active and
For me it is a combination of both. I love the idea, the process,
and monetary reward of re-inventing myself. It will be an amazing experience
for when you listen music of your choice without any interruption. Being live
of your life as per your interest is a huge asset in our healthy lifestyle.
This is the fact of life. You are never too old to live your life as
per your choice.
Many Boomers are heading back to school, to finish degrees or to
embark on new careers. You can find many strong advocates of life-long
learning. Many academic institutions provide online learning programs on the
internet, so there is very little excuse for any healthy Boomer to not pursue
some form of new learning.
So does any of this resonate with you? How are you spending your Baby
Boomer years? If you don't have a debilitating illness, what's your excuse for
your physical and mental inactivity?
Are you having a tough time finding the motivation to get moving? We
can provide you with the coaching you need to live an exciting healthy life!
There are many advisers with years of experience and study in
holistic health. It is the life that they live!
We at the provide online radio stations that offer you wonderful old
and new music that will pass your time or will convert your hectic day into a
relaxing one. Visit us at
know more details.
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