The Baby Boomer Lifestyle - What Is It?

Are you one of the baby boomers who don't agree to follow the traditional retirement path? Do you refuse to sleep late, or sit in a rocking chair and listen music aimlessly as time goes by? You see us in almost every neighbourhood. We are volunteering, working part-time, or starting a new career. We are taking brisk morning walks in Parks and inside Malls. We are flexing our muscles at the gym and shopping at health food stores. We do Yoga, and meditate daily, get regular massages. We are not old people. We are Baby Boomer living a second life. We have an eclectic choice of new lifestyles. We are using online radio services to listen music that have our intensely interests in music. Some of us are letting our grey hair show, and doing it with style. We are growing old gracefully, in active harmony with this late season of life. We would rather wear out than rust out. What this unique group of people recognize is that their main limitation in all thes...